Today is Father's Day and I thought it only appropriate to post a tribute to my dad....and then I found the first picture of my dad with his dad (my grandpa) and my brother, Jeff, and I thought it was a great generation picture! I know that my father had such a great father, and in turn, he has been the most excellent dad a girl could ask for.
Sure, as a teenager, I thought he was always wrong and never understood me, but what kid doesn't go through that. As an adult, I've grown to respect my dad so much for the values, beliefs, and strengths he instilled in me since childhood.
I'll never forget singing around the dinner table with my dad playing guitar to praise songs. Today, I play guitar and sing praise songs at church, and I thank him for the inspiration. On a few occasions, in the past couple of years, we've had the opportunity to play guitar together in the living room, and I've cherished those memories.
My dad has always loved fishing, boating, even making a canoe with his own hands, carpentry, gardening, tennis, football games, crabbing, and golf. Not every kid gets to learn how to catch crabs and then cook them up and eat them at the beach. And I know that some of my creativity in making things comes from my father, but I do have to give some credit to mom (sorry, dad!)......Appreciation for the outdoors, camping, and fishing, I love because of my dad. Not to mention BLT's with fresh garden tomatoes, corn on the cob, and open face liverwurst sandwiches on rye (from grandpa!)......
So, on this day of remembering dads, I am so honored that I can claim such an amazing earthly father. I can only give thanks and praise to my heavenly Father for such a blessing as this.
My dad has been such a great example of providence, kindness, discipline (because he loves us), humility, intelligence (wisdom), strength, love, patience, and generosity. He has loved me even when I've been unlovable. He has given, even though he knows that he may not receive. He has sacrificed, worked hard, and had so many amazing achievements both in his family life and in business. He has instilled in me a hard work ethic and a desire to do my best in all things. I respect, admire, and have always looked up to him so much!
Today, I get such a thrill out of watching him with all 5 of his grandchildren. I'm so glad they get to be so close to him and learn from him. The bottom picture is him playing guitar with the oldest, Lindsey (now 6 years old!). Maybe she'll be inspired to play too someday....she is already a great singer!
I know that my dad will always be there for all of us and that he will do anything to prevent us from hurting. He has always protected the ones he loves....
Lord, bless my father today......give him rest, joy, and peace.....continue to grow him up in wisdom and truth and rejoice over him with singing. Shower him with blessings and overwhelm him with Your unfailing love. Protect him and keep him safe. For the glory of Your name!
Thank you dad for being you.....and thank you God for making my dad!
Happy Father's Day Dad! I love you so much and wish I wasn't so far away!
Kristen Beth