Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I read a recent blog from a friend of mine talking about a Beth Moore bible study she is doing. One of the disciplines that Beth Moore is asking them to do during this study is to actually get down on their faces to pray in their group meeting time. The host of the bible study thought her carpets were too dirty to actually try this right away, so she rented a steam cleaner from Giant Eagle and she and her husband scrubbed their carpets.

Think about all the times you pray and what your posture is during that prayer time.....I tend to pray while driving, laying in bed (often falling asleep), in the shower, doing dishes, lying on the couch. What kind of difference would it make to actually put my face to the carpet as an act of reverence to God and get uncomfortable so that I can focus completely on Him. It sounds revolutionary and humbling and an obvious statement of the seriousness of my petitions.

In this day and age, and hard time, we need to be serious about our prayers!

I'm going to try it and I'll let you know how it goes....any of you who try this, please let me know your thoughts and experiences! Honor God with your posture and receive the blessing of His presence when you find that He meets you facedown!

Matt Redman wrote a great song and a book about it. Here are the lyrics:

Welcomed in to the courts of the king,
I've been ushered into your presence.
Lord, I stand on your merciful gound,
Yet with every step tread with reverence.

There is none in heavens like you,,
And upon the earth, who's your equal?
You are far above, You're the highest of heights,
And i'm bowing down to exalt you.

And I'll fall facedown,
As Your glory shines around.
Yes i'll fall facedown,
As your glory shines around.

Let your glory shine around,
Let you glory shine around.
King of glory here be found,
King of glory.

Monday, October 13, 2008

October Summer

I just got back from Florida this past weekend and I feel so refreshed. I went to help start a College of Prayer campus (www.collegeofprayer.org) in a little town called Dunnellon, near Gainesville.

I arrived on Thursday afternoon and attended a 2 day time of prayer, teaching, worship, and fellowship for local leaders and pastors. I came ready to serve and excited to see what God had in store. I was able to share a couple of testimonies of freedom that opened up a doorway for many others to experience deliverance. I was able to bless the worship leader by helping with music during the communion time. I was able to spend sweet time in the Presence of the Living God with the body of Christ.

I left broken, changed, poured out, filled up, and restored.

I continued my weekend by finding a nearby island community on the Gulf of Mexico called Cedar Key. It was quite the small town, not a movie theater within 60 miles. I checked into a cottage and after realizing that my wireless wouldn't work and my cell phone was roaming, I felt disconnected to everyone, which was OK because I still felt totally connected to God!

It was a relief and ever so restful. I relaxed in my little cottage and flung wide the french doors so that I could hear the ocean water ebb and flow against the rocks, right outside my door. By the time I went to bed, the tide had reached my balcony's edge. I could hear the music from the nearby pub as people sang out their intoxication and toasted to the good times they wouldn't remember in the morning.

I woke up the next day and went for a beautiful, brisk walk along the shoreline of the Gulf. I watched as people began casting their fishing poles, planting themselves on rocks and docks, hoping for an exciting pull at the other end of their line. The anticipation, the waiting - to experience a few moments of elation. What patience and determination fisherman have.

As I kept walking, I saw a couple of butterflies dance and play with each other in the air. For a moment, I was captivated, and then.....I started noticing they were everywhere! On every flower, plant, tree, or bush there were literally dozens of butterflies. I started trying to capture them on camera, and as I thought about their beauty and their meaning of new life, my eyes welled up and my spirit soared, and I knew God loved me deep! I realized that the butterflies had been there on my first time around the block, but I hadn't noticed them. As soon as I SAW, they were everywhere. I thought about God's Presence and how it's always there and available, but we just don't always notice it or receive!

The wind from the day and the morning and the ocean was warm upon my face. I realized it was October and it still felt like summer. I knew it was cooling off in Georgia, but it was nice to have one more taste of summer.

The night before I spent my time chasing a sunset (one of my favorite past times) until I could find a clear view and watch it change in all of it's colors and glory.
I felt so much peace this weekend - a peace that truly did pass my understanding. I felt truly content, truly free, truly alive, and 100% satisfied in Jesus Christ, my Savior! It was like nothing I'd ever known. This was "resting" in Christ!

Praise God for His indescribable gifts!