I had a wonderful childhood and learned so much from my mom about how I wanted to be when I grew up. She is an amazing cook, which inspires me. She is one of the most creative people I know, which I have always wanted to emulate. She is an artist, which I wish I could be! (drawings, sketches, paintings). She can clean a house like nobody's business, which is why I am so meticulus at getting every nook and cranny. She is organized, which I have taken after to the point of near OCD - I love compartments! And she is a gift giver, which I have taken upon myself to love people in the same way!
She spent so much time teaching me things about being a woman, about life, and about the practical things of life. I'd like to think I would make a great wife and mother some day because I've had such an amazing example.
Christmases were amazing with all the planning and preparation that my parents put into the event.....and Easter was my favorite because of the weather, the season, the songs at church, the coloring of eggs, and the baskets, oh the baskets.....my mom put together the most wonderful baskets....they were so cherished....she always remembered our very favorite candy and just put so much effort into making them special!

Then there was Halloween...we carved pumpkins and gave out candy, but my mom made some amazing costumes from scratch for us! There was an elephant, a clown, and here's the infamous bunny costume! What fun we had!

I studied my mom's cooking and to this day still consult her about various recipes.....everything she makes tastes amazing and I always love visiting home and having her make me wonderful breakfasts in the morning....thanks mom!

The stories she told of her childhood would always intrigue me...the horses, the farm, 5 brothers and a sister, cows, etc.....here is my favorite picture from her youth:

My mom made childhood fun. And now she makes adulthood fun! She spoils her grandchildren and tells them vibrant and colorful stories. She plays richly with them and gives them so much of her time. I'm so glad that they will know so much of her that I know and remember from my upbringing!

She is amazing, wonderful, emulated, inspiring, teaching, and loved! She is a writer, storyteller, artist, creator, chef, mother, grandmother, confidant, dream-pursuer, and friend. She is the reason that I am so much of who I am today.

And now she is a graduate and a nurse! I'm so proud of you mom!

I hope to be a mom someday. And I want to be just like mine! I love you mom! Happy birthday!
Love your daughter,
Kristen Beth