Wow, so in one week I'll be taking my first "overseas" adventure, starting with a long, all night plane ride. It's starting to become real to me that I am actually going. I'm beginning to get excited and nervous. I'll be travelling alone, so I'm a little nervous. But I can't wait to see the Norwegian countryside. I'm really looking forward to the College of Prayer (www.collegeofprayer.org) and joining my pastor and his wife in ministry.
"The College of Prayer is a ministry of the Revival Prayer Institute, Inc. established to mentor Christian leaders who will reach a lost world through a revived church. We are a faith ministry organized exclusively for the purpose of mentoring and encouraging pastors, wives, Christian leaders, missionaries, intercessors - all who desire to more effectively impact their world through fervent revival prayer, prayer evangelism, intercession, and worship. "
I am honored to have a chance to be a part of this.....as I understand it, my role on the Norway trip will be to be available to pray with women during extended prayer and worship times, to listen to God on their behalf, and possibly a chance to participate in worship through singing and playing guitar......
I know this is not a normal "missionary trip" as it is mostly Christian workers, pastors, and leaders who attend these conferences for the purpose of revival and refreshment with the Lord......I am humbled to be able to pray and minister to them.....it excites me that there are people who care so much for God's children and His sheep that they would come just to be renewed so that they can keep standing firm in praying for the lost and encouraging the saved.......I think it is so important to equip the equippers......we all need to be filled and refreshed so that we can continue to harvest the ripened field and participate in the building of God's kingdom here on earth......
These are the prayers of my heart as I prepare my heart, will, and mind:
-for the eyes of my heart to be enlightened so that I might be used in the lives of these people
-for safe travels and against fear of the unknown (foreign country)
-for God to search me and know my heart, to convict me to repentence so that I might be readily available to others in their needs
-for opportunities to minister and speak truth and His word to the hurting and the broken
-that I might be changed through this experience to have a deeper relationship with Christ
-that I may confidently hide His word in my heart (memorization is hard for me)
-for my pastor and his wife as they prepare to teach at the conference
-for the annointing of the Holy Spirit and the manifest presence of God to transform hearts, minds, and wills
-that I would be free to intercede for others without fear
-for boldness!
Thank you so much for reading this......thank you to each of you who have been instrumental in my spiritual upbringing......thank you for bearing my burdens, thank you for raising me in truth, thank you for speaking to me in love, thank you for lifting me up in prayer.......thank you for being my brothers, sisters, father, mother, friends, and confidants....I know that God will prepare me and use me to the glory of His name! Thanks for walking this journey with me......
May Christ bless each of you richly according to His great and unfailing love!
Ha Det Bra (Goodbye, take care of yourself)