I'm so proud of my mom! I flew home this weekend to attend the graduation ceremony of my mother from Eastern Michigan University.
She gradutated at the age of 65 from nursing school after many years of intensive and vigorous studying of sciences and the human body. She gradutated with honors, magna cum laude! She graduated proudly and with 15 family members there to cheer her on, including 4 of her children and 6 of her grandchildren. She walked across the stage in her black cap and gown, and thanked her friends, family, and faculty for standing by her during her pursuit of collegiate achievement.
It brought tears of joy to my eyes to think about how excited she must be to have this day finally come and to be able to celebrate with the people that love her most. It reminded me that it's never too late to do anything, if you set your mind to it and never give up on your dreams. I never thought that she needed to go to school to prove herself to anyone. Her acheivements in life have been grand thus far, but she did it and I applaud and support her! Thanks mom, you are truly an inspiration and I am honored and be your daughter!
My mom gradutated from college this weekend at the age of 65.....I wouldn't have missed it for the world!
what are you implying!? i missed it for the world? hahaha, just kiddin'. i'm bummed that i missed it. you know i had 1 family member at my graduation and mom got 15!!! geez louise. lol, just kidding, my graduation was a miserable rainy day anyway. dad and i had fun. mom, we are so proud of you and can't wait to see you makin' the big bucks, hahaha. yay, i love your blogs, kristen! thank you.
oh yeah, weren't you going to superimpose me into that photo?
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