I was laying by the pool today drifting in and out of conscienceness, when I heard a kid in the pool talking to his friend. "I wish the whole ground was a trampoline", he said. "Then I would just jump everywhere!". I thought, what a neat idea......and one that at my age I just wouldn't think to think! I wish the earth was a trampoline too! I wanna jump everywhere! And then I realized how much I need to get back to the "fun" in life.....
I was at work the other day, and as I walked a child out to their parent, I witnessed a two-year-old walk boldly up to an unknown two-year-old, arms out-stretched, and almost pummeled the other over with a HUG! The receiving child just stood there, not knowing quite what to make of this gesture, but not avoiding it either. And I thought, it's too bad we can't just walk up to complete strangers and hug them without any reason, pretense, or even introduction.
"I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3
"The humility of children is disarming, isn't it? There is no pride or prejudice. There are no inhibitions or hidden agendas. Undiluted humility. There is an Eden-like innocence that children possess that all of us crave."
- Mark Batterson from In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day
Wouldn't the world be a more fun and loving place if we did more jumping and hugging? Wouldn't our faith be less shaken if we got back to our child-like hearts! We've much to learn from the young ones........much to learn.
*dedicated to the young ones in my life that are so precious: Lindsey, Jacob, Sophia, Calvin, Stephen, Alex, Heidi, Caroline, Chloe, Hok'sila, Connor, etc...and to all the new lives that are just entering or about to enter this crazy world!
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