My little niece, Sophia, just had a birthday....she is 2!! I am missing out on most of her life and that makes me sad. Today, there is a big hole in my heart for my family. Sometimes I wonder why I have to live so far away. Sometimes I want to get into my car and just drive 12 long hours just to give them hugs. Sometimes I just want to be loved by the ones that will always be there for me unconditionally. There have been many people I've shared seasons with that hold a special place in my heart and I miss them more than I can express. But, today, I miss my family in Michigan....Mom, Dad, Deborah, Adam, Lindsey, Jakey, Fia, Jeff, Michelle, Calvin.....and there's a new little Schneider boy making his way into the world soon that will just be one more person for me to miss!
And not to forget, Laura, in DC....I cried today listening to:
"There's only us, there's only this, forget regret, or life is yours to other road, no other way, no day but today! There's only now, there's only here, give in to love, or live in fear...."
The Lord has brought me here to Atlanta.....I know that it is His will and I know that He will ease the pain. The joy is in the memories and the anticipation of reunion. It just boggles my mind that such "wee" little people can have such a BIG place in our hearts.....Happy Birthday Fia! I love you! and Happy Birthday Adam! Family, I'm coming home soon!
"Oh, what I would give, to have the things that mean the most not to mean the things I miss..." Indigo Girls (Language or the Kiss)