Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Kingdom of Heaven Belongs to Such as These

"The face of a child says it all, especially the mouth part of the face" Jack Handy

Oh, to have more of the joy of children, less of the weight of the "stuff of earth", more of the boldness, less of the fears, more of the FAITH that our Savior desires of us.......and more of the energy!

I'm tired, ironically, from working all day with children.....physically tired, but spiritually awake.....Lord, grant me faith like a child so that I can trust and obey without hesitancy or reservation.....have Your way in me!


Anonymous said...

Ahhhhhh, Sophia, Sophia, birthday girl!!! You have chosen a profession that fills your life with the joy of such as Sophia! Way to go! I love you.

Laura Schneider said...

I love this blog... let's strive for all of that... less of the "stuff of this earth" and more of Christ! There is such freedom in Him... Praise Him! ;-)