There's something oceanic about crab legs. I suppose it's a direct result of the crab having lived it's entire life in the ocean. (heheh) Tonight I had crab legs. I steamed 'em, cracked 'em, picked out the meat, dipped them in melted butter....mmmmm, good! I had originally hoped for someone to share them with, but, in lieu of human companionship, Christ pulled up a chair and dined with me. We had a beautiful date, we feasted, we talked, I gazed into His eyes. I opened all the windows in this apartment, and between the saltiness of the crab and the gentleness of the breeze, the Lord took my memories back to the ocean that I love to visit. His breeze is so refreshing to me. I wish we didn't have to settle for man made air-conditioning. I will always prefer the wind.....on the road or in my home. It reminds me of His freshness....of the way He enters my stuffiness and produces a beautiful aroma. I dreampt of the ocean and remembered the ways my God has met me standing on the shore. It was a satisfying evening of enjoying the company of my King, basking in His rest, and finding contentment in Christ.
I feel bad for people who are allergic to shellfish :(
"...maybe it's the way Your love swells beneath my skin, maybe it's the way my senses are full again....just as I am, You rush in without a warning, didn't think You would really want to come to this place, make it feel like a Sunday morning....." Sandra McCracken
Basking in the presence of the Lord, just ain't anything better than that! It is times like you describe with the Lord that provides what I need to walk this sod, but know it is not my home!
Such a beautiful entry! You have a way with words and it is so refreshing and uplifting. In the past you have sometimes come across as despairing and while I know it is part of your walk, it is this joyful, being in the moment, accepting part that I pray for you to always keep. Still the despair does teach us deep and profound lessons. And it is Jesus (from within and without) who gives us the strength and the joy to always move forward. The way sometimes seems long--it is long--but worth the journey.
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