"My sister and me, treasurers of each other's childhoods, linked by volatile love, best friends who make other best friends ever so slightly less best." Patricia Volk
"You and I are tied together by years of misunderstandings, cross words, icy silences, laughter, hugs, tenderness, and love. All of those strands are twisted into a knot that nothing will ever, ever break." Ellyn Sanna
"It's hard to be responsible, adult, and sensible all the time. How good it is to have a sister whose heart is as young as your own." Pam Brown
"I find that as I grow older, I love those most whom I loved first." Thomas Jefferson
"The bond that joined us lay deeper than outward things; the rivers of our souls spring from the same well!" Po Chu-l
"So many shared memories rest between sisters. Some, like a sleeping grizzly bear, seem best left undisturbed. While others can fill a rainy afternoon with laughter and sunshine." Melody Carlson
"Today is far from Childhood - but up and down the hills I held her hand the tighter - which shortened all the miles..." Emily Dickinson
"You mess with her, you mess with me!" Maria Smedstad
"Sisters are....a port in each other's storms." Elizabeth Fishel
"Help one another, is part of the religion of our sisterhood." Louisa May Alcott
"Sisters....help each other stay in good relationships, get out of messed up ones, pick up and start over again." Linda H. Hollies
"The only time you look down on me is when you're picking me up from the floor." Maria Smedsted
"A sister is one who will pick you up when you are down. If she cannot pick you up she will lie down beside you and listen." Unknown
"If you don't understand how a woman could both love her sister dearly and want to wring her neck at the same time, then you were probably an only child." Linda Sunshine
"One day you are wanting to rearrange her personality ever so slightly.....but the bottom line is this: you will always love her, no matter what. Unconditionally." Whitney Otto
"However frank you might think you're being with friends, honesty reaches a different level between sisters." Sandra Deeble
"If your sister is in a tearing hurry to go out and cannot catch your eye, she's probably wearing your best sweater." Pam Brown
"We were threads of the same cloth...when blended together it turned into the most beautiful of fabrics." Diane Burke
"Sisters are like different instruments in a band, or different voices in a chorus, because you are not exactly alike, you harmonize in beautiful ways." Margaret Lannamann
"A sister is like a mirror in which you can see a part of yourself reflected." Joan Walsh Anglund
"Our siblings resemble us just enough to make all their differences confusing." Susan Scarf Merrell
*for Laura and Deborah whom I've known their entire lives.....you are each so precious to me and I thank God for you daily....what would I ever do without you!
*for Michelle who has been added to our "sisterhood" by marriage.....we love you the same - unconditionally.....we are proud to be the sisters you never had....happy birthday!
*to my friends along this path of life that know me well and love me even though you know me......we are sisters by the thread of Christ and family in His church: Kim Howard, Meg, Julie, Charissa, Carol Grubbs, Carol White, Larissa, Aubrey, Kim DeGuido, Jenn, Dana, Sherry, Sarah Mark, and Jessica!
*to my girls at work whom I spend countless hours with, toiling side by side and day by day - thanks for putting up with me and making my job and coming to work a joy and pleasure: Mary Ellen, Denise, Katherine, Catherine, and Bridgette!I would never have made it this far in life without
all my girls! Thanks for your love and faithfulness! Sorry if I forgot anyone!